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  54. Cannabis has recently become legal for recreational use in several countries including Canada, Mexico and South Africa as well as in 18 US states. Advocates of legalisation say it is less risky for users to buy cannabis from regulated shops because their cannabis products are safer than those from illegal dealers, with better dose labelling and quality-control measures, and the shops are less likely to sell to minors. Connect with NLM The government has the position that they were forced to offer medical cannabis, they will do nothing to make it a viable program for patients. In total, it is expected that the Cannabis Fees Order will result in a transfer of costs from taxpayers to industry in the amount of $204 million over four years. The figure of $204 million represents the mid-point of a sensitivity analysis that sees the Government of Canada recovering $86 million of eligible annual costs in 2021–2022. However, this number may vary based on a number of factors, including the number of licence holders by year, the amount of cannabis sold by licence holders, the prices realized by licence holders and the number of micro or nursery licence holders that will be subject to the lower rate for the annual regulatory fee.
    Hi Jesse, typically veg lights lean more into the blue spectrum and flower lights are more in the red spectrum. Flowering plants can also benefit from a higher micrromole output. By turning on both the veg and flower led’s on your light the plants will receive the most energy the light can give the plants for flowering. LED Habitats gives plants the best spectrum and all the light energy plants need for flowering with the Ditto Max Light, all with only one on and off button. Cannabis plants respond well to both blue light and yellow red light. Blue light is at the lower end of the spectrum and we see it as very bright and direct lighting. Yellow red light is much warmer in our eyes. It’s unclear why the change in the spectrum — which would be unnatural outdoors — produces more terpenes. Some growers think that it’s a stress response because blue light has more energy than other wavelengths. Other growers wonder if the plants “think” they’re back in the vegetative phase and they push more growth as a response. It’s as though the blue light sparks growth, except the growth, goes into the buds and overall terpene levels instead of foliage.

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